Càncer -- Detecció preco

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out url icon Recercat Evaluation of the interval cancer rate and its determinants on the Girona health region’s early breast cancer detection program Renart i Vicens, Gemma ; Puig-Vives, Montserrat ; Albanell, Joan ; Castañer, Francesc ; Ferrer, Joana ; Carreras, Miquel ; Tarradas, Joan ; Sala, Maria ; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
out url icon Recercat Evaluation of the interval cancer rate and its determinants on the Girona health region’s early breast cancer detection program Renart i Vicens, Gemma ; Puig-Vives, Montserrat ; Albanell, Joan ; Castañer, Francesc ; Ferrer, Joana ; Carreras, Miquel ; Tarradas, Joan ; Sala, Maria ; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Evaluation of the interval cancer rate and its determinants on the Girona health region’s early breast cancer detection program
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Evaluation of the interval cancer rate and its determinants on the Girona health region’s early breast cancer detection program Renart i Vicens, Gemma ; Puig-Vives, Montserrat ; Albanell, Joan ; Castañer, Francesc ; Ferrer, Joana ; Carreras, Miquel ; Tarradas, Joan ; Sala, Maria ; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Evaluation of the interval cancer rate and its determinants on the Girona health region’s early breast cancer detection program Renart i Vicens, Gemma ; Puig-Vives, Montserrat ; Albanell, Joan ; Castañer, Francesc ; Ferrer, Joana ; Carreras, Miquel ; Tarradas, Joan ; Sala, Maria ; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 Evaluation of the interval cancer rate and its determinants on the Girona health region’s early breast cancer detection program Renart i Vicens, Gemma ; Puig-Vives, Montserrat ; Albanell, Joan ; Castañer Corretger, Francesc ; Ferrer, Joana ; Carreras, Miquel ; Tarradas, Joan ; Sala i Serra, Maria ; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael

